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Providing spaces for families to experience drag culture.

Encouraging literacy through read-alouds and reward incentives.

Teaching families about ASL/Deaf culture through the integrated use of sign language.
Reading Time with the Queens' mission is to have drag performers read stories that will teach us how to accept and love ourselves and others.

What's going on at RTWTQ?
There is lots to know about our program today! Click on a link! Make your way!
Watch Past Programs
Want to know what goes on during a Reading Time? Click the icon to see our YouTube catalogue of past programs!
Support Us with Merch
Every time you buy something from our Bonfire store, the proceeds fund our monthly programs in Southeast Idaho.
Make Cool Crafts
Need something to do on a rainy day? Want to make something neat? Head over to Miss Barb's Craft Corner for ideas and instructions on our past crafts!
Looking for a Book?
We frequently are asked for book recommendations on a plethora of topics. Click the icon above for books on topics for which we have some expertise.
Teen Book Club
Click on the icon above to find out more about Reading Time with the TEENS, a book club for high-schoolers!
Earn Prizes for Reading
We have an incentive program for young readers who attend our program. Click on the icon to learn more!
Thanks to our partner
We have a project made possible with support from the It Gets Better, a nonprofit organization working to uplift, empower, and connect LGBTQ+ youth around the globe. Visit www.itgetsbetter.org.